Can, could, may & might - mixed use
First Certificate auxiliaries & modals exercise
Key word transformations for FCE
Modal verbs of ability - can, could & be able to
Modal verbs of advice - could, should & would
Modal verbs of deduction - must have, can't have
Modal verbs of necessity - need, needn't & should
Modal verbs of obligation - must, have to & should
Modal verbs of obligation - don't have to & mustn't
Modal verbs of permission - Make, let & allowed to
Modal verbs of possibility/probability- can't be, might be & must be
Perfect modal verbs - might have, should have
Questions with auxiliary & modal verbs
Semi-modal verbs of advice and preference - had better and would rather
Semi-modal verbs - used to, be/get used to
Semi-modal verbs - had better & be supposed to